This is how our licensing and research process works.
Fill out our contact form and let us know what exactly you're interested in.
If we determine that we'll be able to help you research the materials and digitize a sample that you're interested in, we'll provide an estimate of how long it will take and how much it will cost to do the preliminary research.
If you decide you'd like to move forward, we'll send an invoice and collect payment for the initial research.
Once the research is completed, we'll send over all relevant samples and research materials collected. If further research needs to be done, we can repeat the steps above until you have enough information to decided whether or not you'd like to pursue a licensing agreement.
Once you decide you'd like to license any or all of the materials surfaced in the research phase, we'll collect another payment and execute a licensing agreement.
Once we've received final payment and executed agreement, we will prepare all the licensed materials, deliver them to you digitally, and confirm receipt.